
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together



As Head Teacher, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the website of Kings Furlong Junior School. We pride ourselves on making positive relationships with all of the children who join us and believe that the relationships we form as part of a community is what makes us unique as a school. We encourage all our children to achieve the best they can across every area of school. Our Learning Behaviours help children to develop skills and attributes to become lifelong learners. We endeavour to ensure that all children are both engaged and challenged in their learning. We want children to be inquisitive and curious about what they learn and consider the potential they have for the future. We have an excellent team at the school who strive to make the learning journey for your child a positive one. Both staff and governors work hard to reach high standards in everything we do. We believe that education is a partnership between home and school and regard you as an active partner in your child’s education and value y

Upcoming events

6 February - PTFA School Disco - 5.15-6.45pm
11 February - Internet Safety Day - Parent Workshop 2.00pm
13 February - Year 3 Science Fair
14 February - School Nurse Health Advice Clinic - 9.00-11.00am
17 -21 February - Half Term - School Closed
24-28 February - Geography Week
25 February - Parents Evening - 3.30-7.00pm
27 February - Parents Evening - 3.30-7.00pm
13 March - SATs information evening for year 6 parents - 6pm