
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together

A Three-In-One Morning!

On Friday 2nd October, we are a) raising money for Cancer Research UK b) helping parents to understand the new assessment systems in place as levels have gone and c) giving an opportunity to come into your child’s class!



Cake sale at break time – bring money to buy the scrummy cakes on sale – profits go to CRUK

Non-uniform day – to take part, please bring in cakes which will be sold! Remember, no nuts in cakes please!



9:00- 9:30am – Coffee and Cakes to raise money for CRUK

9:30 – 10:00 – How does KFJS assess pupils’ work now that levels don’t exist? A helpful workshop run by Mr Hanson.

10:00 – 10:30am – Come into your child’s class to carry out an activity with them

We need some helpers to run the coffee morning- please let us know if you can. Finally, could you bake a cake for us? Please bring it along on the Friday if so! Thank you.

Special thanks to Dijana, Maria and Alimah for helping to organise this event!
