
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together

KFJS This Week

What a year it has been- and the final week promises to be just as exciting!


Our Year 6 pupils perform their fantastic play tonight, called ‘Kaleidoscope’. Tickets only! They also go swimming in the morning.

Look out for the End of Year letter going out today, too.

Our Year 6 pupils enjoy their leavers graduation ball in the evening- smart dress only. 5:30 -7:00pm. They must be picked up!
Our Year 5 pupils put on a fashion show for their parents from 9:30am.
Our winning colour group have their ‘Team of the Year’ party in the afternoon.


We have our final assembly in the morning, with a chance to say goodbye and good luck to our Year 6 pupils.

Have a great week
