
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together

2016 - 2017

EXS = Meeting the Expected Standard

GDS = Working at Greater Depth

Subject School 2017 National 2017


National 2016



(Up from 54% in 2016)

EXS: 65%


GDS: 15%

EXS: 71%


GDS: 19%




EXS: 69%


GDS: 8% *

EXS: 71%


GDS: 23%

Reading Other EXS: 63%


GDS: 17%

EXS: 71%


GDS: 23%

Writing EXS: 80%


GDS: 25%

EXS: 76%


GDS: 15%

Writing Disadvantaged EXS: 69% 9/13 **


GDS: 8% 1/13 ***

EXS: 79%


GDS: 18%

Writing Other EXS: 85%


GDS: 29%

EXS: 77%


GDS: 18%

Maths EXS: 80%


GDS: 28%

EXS: 75%


GDS: 17%

Maths Disadvantaged EXS: 69%


GDS: 16% ****

EXS: 75%


GDS: 20%

Maths Other EXS: 83%


GDS: 31%

EXS: 75%


GDS: 20%

Grammar EXS: 82%


GDS: 34%

EXS: 77%


GDS: 22%

Grammar Disadvantaged EXS: 69%


GDS: 8%

EXS: 78%


GDS: 27%

Grammar Other EXS: 85%


GDS: 40%

EXS: 78%


GDS: 27%

Combined R,W,M EXS: 58%


GDS: 14%

EXS: 61%


GDS: 5%

Combined R,W,M



EXS: 62%


GDS: 8%

EXS: 39%


GDS: 2%

Combined R,W,M



EXS: 58%


GDS: 15%

EXS: 60%


GDS: 7%


* 3 pupils got a L3 reading at KS1 (2 a surprise); 1 child achieved GDS.

** The pupils who could realistically get EXS in writing did so. The 4 remaining would not have, and had an average 1A KS1 score.

*** 0 pupils got a L3 writing at KS1; 1 child achieved GDS.

**** 1 pupil got a L3 maths at KS1; 2 pupils achieved GDS.


Average Scaled Score

Subject School 2017 National 2017
Reading 102.7 103
Grammar 107.1 106
Maths 105.0 104

