
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together


Kings Furlong Junior School – Pupil Premium Plan 2019-20 Evaluation


The key aims of our Pupil Premium Plan are:

  • To ensure that overall quality of teaching and learning enables our Pupil Premium children to make equal progress with their non-Pupil Premium peers.
  • To ensure that additional support and guidance is given to our PP children in order for them to achieve in line with their non-PP peers, including having access to activities in and after school.
  • To ensure that our PP parents are communicated with and involved with their child’s learning and progress.
  • To ensure that the Leadership of the School articulates a clear vision with expectations on the standard of provision and pupil outcomes for PP children and that this is monitored vigorously and regularly.


KFJS Pupil Premium outcomes compared with National (all) outcomes







RWM combined



























































  • poor vocabulary acquisition and language skills
  • very low KS1 attainment for cohort 18 - reading 68%, writing 82%, maths 82% below ARE
  • poor metacognition in children working below ARE
  • rates of progress do not match non-PP peers in reading, writing and maths in all year groups consistently
  • a greater proportion of the PP group has SEND than the non-PP group (30% compared to 11% 19-20)
  • lower levels of engagement and enjoyment of reading than non-PP peers
  • gap in attendance between PP and non-PP groups is 2.1%.


Expected Achievement Outcomes for 2019-20

Rates of progress are based on individual targets for each child and bespoke tracking.

Spring data



Year 3

cohort 19

Year 4

cohort 18

Year 5

cohort 17


cohort 16



Maintain ARE at 46%.

Increase boys’ ARE from 18% to 36%


Increase ARE from 60% to 80%.

 58% securely at ARE.

Spring data 32% 10% 70% 52%



To be reviewed Spring 20

Increase rate of individual progress for 8 low attaining (LA) children.


Increase rates of progress for 6 LA children.

Increase rates of progress for 5 LA children.

Spring data 73% 3 steps 4 have, 1 on track to All on track to 1 has, 1 on track to



Maintain ARE at 33%.

Increase boys’ ARE from 9% to 36%.


Increase ARE from 60% to 80%.


58% securely at ARE.

Spring data 32% 20% 56% 43%



To be reviewed Spring 20

Increase rates of individual progress for 7 LA children.


Increase rates of progress for 8 LA children.

Increase rates of progress for 5 boys. 

Spring data 68% 3 steps 3 have, 2 on track to Children who did less than 6 steps last year are all on track to increase their rates progress this year. 1 has, 3 on track to



Increase ARE from 33% to 38%.

Increase ARE from 15% to 38%.



Increase ARE of non SEND children from 47% to 87%.

68% securely at ARE.

Spring data 32% 10% 44% (currently all at 5b) 48%



To be reviewed Spring 20

Increase rates of individual progress for 6 LA children.


Increase rates of progress for 5 LA children.

Increase rates of accelerated progress for PP/non SEND from 7% to 28% (3 children).

Spring data 64% 3 steps 2 have, 2 have left 4 on track to meet expected key stage progress, one on track to exceed last year's progress. Children below 2S at KS2 all on track to exceed expected progress.



Increase from 29% to 33%.

Increase from 5% to 21%

Increase from 33% to 43%

Increase from 47% to 58%

Spring data 27% 10% 35% 43%


To be reviewed Spring 20

93.7% to 96%

96% to 96.8%

95.3% to 96.8%

Feb 2020 94.8% (4 children below 94%) 88.9% (10 children below 94%, including 1 child with 15.5% attendance due to ongoing health issue) 94.2% (6 children below 94%) 94.1% (9 children below 94%)


Objective - Teaching and Learning - CPD


Teaching and learning accelerates the progress for our PP children (£19,000).




Update / Impact / Next Steps


The curriculum meets the needs of PP children through delivery, scaffolding etc.

Tackling Educational Disadvantage (TED) project – vocabulary, metacognition and feedback

Responsibility: SLT

Curriculum meets the needs of all learners

Work with HIAS

Changes to planning and teaching of reading improved sequence of lessons focusing on one domain.  Very positive response from staff so far.

Changes to planning of English learning journeys to ensure children know the purpose for their writing so they are able to edit for effect independently (following outcome of pupil conferencing July 19).

TED INSET – continued work on vocabulary begun last year.  Work scrutiny and learning walks indicates this work is embedding.

Both ongoing.

Non-contact time for teachers and subject leaders

Ensure provision for PP children is effective through review and implementation.

Responsibility: SD

Curriculum meets the needs of all learners

All subject leaders have had regular non-contact time in order to improve the provision of their subject for all children. 


SENDCO to work with PP/SEN pupils and their teachers Ensure the pupils’ needs are met and their progress gaps are closing.

Responsibility: SENDCo

Actions for SEN/PP children in place by December 19.

PLPs written for SEND/PP children with appropriate interventions (29 children).

14% MTE progress in reading and writing, 24% maths (32%, 24%, 20% Non-PP, SEND).

Careful and considered use of team of adults to support diverse range of needs within each year group. 

Pupil progress outcomes – supported by EBo as appropriate. 

Reading curriculum meet the needs of all learners

Texts support progress and to stretch and challenge reading skills in order to meet the needs of post KS2 curriculum.  Children engage in regular home reading and report that they enjoy reading. 

80% of PP children read regularly at home. 

See point 1 re HIAS.

New planning and appropriate reading resources to be ready for 20-21, including non-fiction and poetry.

At end of Spring 1, regular home reading PP 59% compared to 70% non-PP.  Targeting of 17 PP readers to read 4x every week will bring PP up to non-PP. 


Objective - Intervention and Support


Additional support and guidance for our PP children helps them to make accelerated progress towards closing the gap with their non-PP peers (£50,000).




Update / Impact / Next Steps

Additional Educational Psychologist time

To determine the more complex learning needs of PP pupils.

Responsibility: SENDCo

Appropriate targets and support in place to support SEN/PP pupils. All EP visits to school suspended due to their workload to complete outstanding EHCPs.

ELSA sessions and counselling course

To support emotional wellbeing of identified children.

Responsibility: SENDCo

Targets met by the end of the provision.
Children have been supported through ELSA and through Drawing and Talking.

Counselling course completed end Feb 2020.

Individualised support

For children who require significant emotional and pastoral support – 1-1 support, resources, restraint training, supervision, Thrive provision.

Responsibility: SENDCo

Children are successful within classroom environment.
All of the children who regularly need significant support apart from one are PP.

Three have constant 1-1 (one has just left and been replaced).

Several require additional support at particular times of the day eg start of the day, after breaks.

Subsidy for PP children

Trips, visits, uniform etc (£50 per child).

Responsibility: CH

All PP children included in trips and visits. Since September, £1489 has been spent to support club membership, trips and visits. 

Supplement cost of Y6 residential

Responsibility: CH

All Y6 PP children participate in PGL. Children who needed financial support accessed the Aldworth Trust fund. 

Additional support for Year 6 PP pupils

Additional adults to support the teaching and learning of English and maths in focus groups or within classes.

Responsibility: Y6 HoY, SLT

PP children securely on track to meet their targets at data collection points throughout year.
All children not SEND on track apart from one child off the pace in reading and one in writing.

Of the 6 SEND children, one is on track in all 3 areas, 3 are on track in one or two areas and 2 are not on track. 

Additional support for Year 4 PP pupils

Class teacher to teach flexible groups based on identified needs from lessons earlier in the week

Responsibility: Y4 Year leader

Achievements gaps within cohort begin to close. DB delivers work to this significant group in a style that meets their considerable, bespoke needs.  They are working mainly on Y2 objectives with some on Y1.  The children are highly engaged in their learning.

Individualised support for children who qualify as ‘post looked after children’.

Responsibility: SENDCO/SLT

Wellbeing and achievement of children is supported. Ongoing tutor work to support learning gaps. 


Objective - Parental Engagement


Our PP parents are supported and involved with their children's learning and progress (£17,000).


Action/Provision Milestones/Outcomes Update / Impact / Next Steps

Family Support Worker

Support families with issues around punctuality, attendance, behaviour, parenting etc.

Responsibility: KG/SD

PP children with family and/or attendance issues have improved wellbeing, attendance and progress. Families have been supported with issues around attendance, attachment and behaviour. 

Pastoral/inclusion support for key families

Work with outside agencies, lead TAFs etc supporting and communicating with parents and children.

Children are supported in all ways possible. 24 PP children have been involved in significant work with outside agencies – TAFs, EHH referrals, Children’s Services, SEN, CAMHs, PBS.

Improve and monitor attendance and punctuality of PP pupils

Release time for attendance manager Responsibility: AW

PP attendance closing gap with non PP attendance.

See above

Attendance and punctuality of 9 PP children monitored - all actions in place as necessary.

4/9 have improved over year, 3 static, 2 slightly worsened

Run parent workshops

Develop basic skills and how to support their children

Preparation time and resources

Responsibility: SLT

At least 60% of PP parents attend workshops.

RWInc workshop September 2019 - 35% of PP/RWInc parents attended.

esafety - 1%

89% attended Autumn parents' evenings.

85% attended Spring parents' evenings.


Objective - Leadership and Management


The leadership of the school articulates a clear vision with expectations on the standard of provision and pupil outcomes for PP children (£13,000).




Update / Impact / Next Steps

Discuss targets, gaps and needs of PP children

Staff meetings, pupil progress meetings, Year leader meetings. 

Responsibility: SLT/SD

All PP children are securely on track to meet their targets and appropriate interventions and support are in place to ensure this.
On track for expected key stage progress in all 3 areas:

Y3 64%

Y4 50%

Y5 70%

Y6 70%

PPMs in Autumn and Spring – provision discussed for all children off the pace and actions put in place which are monitored by year leaders.

Leadership team monitoring

Ensure expectation and progress is planned for and delivered.

Responsibility: SLT

Actions and next steps acted upon and checked during subsequent monitoring activities.
PP book scrutiny for each year takes place termly and depending on the outcome, more frequently. Feedback given and checked during next scrutiny. Provision in books is stronger each time.

Regular learning walks take place in reading, writing and maths.  These inform our CPD programme where appropriate. 

Supervision meetings for support staff

Ensure most effective provision in place for most vulnerable learners.

Responsibility: SENDCo/AW

Consistent approach by all adults who work with most vulnerable learners. Very positive feedback from staff about usefulness of meeting.  Immediate impact on managing the children evident. 

Pupil Premium leadership

Coordinate, implement and monitor actions as per this plan; liaise with PP governor; measure and analyse impact etc.

Responsibility: SD

Spending decisions show value for money.
Working with HIAS to support PP children through our English curriculum.

Evaluation of each child’s progress and achievement to evaluate 19-20 plan in order to form effective 20-21 plan.


Budget allocation: £98,517

Number of PP children: 87 (85 March 2020)
