
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together

School Meals

School meals at Kings Furlong Junior School are provided by Hampshire County Council Catering Services (known as HC3S). School lunches cost £3.20 per day with dinner money paid in advance at the school office or online at Scopay (please speak to the school office if you would like to register for online payments).


If you think your child is eligible for Free School Meals, please follow this link, or pop into the school office.

Current Dinner Menus- November 2024 to April 2025

Online payments

Please visit the Scopay website to make online payments. You can set alerts to let you know when your child's account is running low - please see the guide below:

Special diets

If your child needs a special medical diet to eat hot lunches at school, you will need to register and complete a form at Once you have created an account, HC3S will review your child's medical evidence with their NHS dietician to devise an adapted menu for your child. If you have any questions, please call HC3S on 023 8062 9388 or email

Packed lunches

If your child is bringing a packed lunch to school, it's important to make it healthy to:

  • Help your child develop healthy eating habits.
  • Provide good energy for your child.
  • Help your child concentrate.


Please refer to our guide to healthy packed lunches below.

Healthy snacks

Our School Council have produced the following guide to break time snacks:

Hampshire County Council Education Catering 


Our school caterers are award-winning caterers, managed by Hampshire County Council Education Catering, formerly known as HC3S. Visit the pages on their website for their menus and other information. News | Hampshire County Council ( can also keep up-to-date, by following them on social media.

Facebook: @hc3seducation Twitter: @hc3s6



Cool Milk

Kings Furlong Junior School is part of ‘Cool Milk’. You can register online at You will need the schools postcode, which is RG21 8YJ. Milk will be delivered to school and we will give it out at break or lunchtime to those who have signed up. If your child is entitled to Free School Meals they can also have Free Milk, but you MUST register through the school instead (please speak to the office).
