
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together

School Uniform

The uniform we have adopted is smart, inexpensive and hard wearing. We expect all children to wear the correct uniform and PE kit to school. All clothing must be named so it can be easily located if lost.


Jumpers and cardigans with an embroidered school logo are available from the Basingstoke branch of Skoolkit in Church Street. PE t-shirts can be purchased from the school office for £2.00 each. All other items are available from supermarkets and high street shops.


Daily uniform
Grey/black skirt, trousers, shorts, skort or pinafore
White shirt/blouse or polo shirt
Sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
Blue and white summer dress/skort
Black, grey or white socks or tights (not leggings)
Skirts and shorts should be an appropriate length and of a style which allows children to sit comfortably on the floor.
Shoes must be black (without colour or stripes) and sensible. Boots may be worn, but must be flat and no taller than ankle height. High heels, open toes, sling backs, platforms and trainers are not acceptable for health and safety reasons. Children not wearing the correct footwear will be required to wear plimsolls from the school office.


PE kit - outdoorPE kit - indoor
Plain black or blue shortsPlain black or blue shorts
Plain black, grey or navy tracksuit bottoms or sports leggings and jumper (no large logos)Plain coloured t-shirt in colour team colour
Plain coloured t-shirt in colour team colourPlimsolls or trainers
Trainers (black/white preferably) 


Children are permitted to arrive at school wearing the correct PE kit on their allocated days. Branded sports kits are not acceptable.


Year 6 children may wear their leavers hoodie on PE days.


For health and safety reasons, children will not be permitted to use indoor equipment if they are not wearing shorts. Long hair must be tied back and tights and earrings must be removed. If children cannot remove their earrings, parents should provide tape to cover them. Teachers are not permitted to remove earrings.


A note from home is needed if any child is to be excused from PE lessons.


Jewellery, hair ornaments, make up and nail varnish
Children may wear: one pair of stud earrings in pierced ears and small objects of religious significance. Hoop earrings must not be worn. Jewellery can get lost or damaged, resulting in distress and upset.
Smart/fitbit watches are not allowed.
Hair should be sensible and tidy, without shaven streaks or decoration. Hair should not be dyed.
Hair bands, ribbons/bows or 'scrunchies' should be plain and either blue or black and of a sensible size.
Make up and nail varnish must not be worn.

