
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together


The moral development of pupils is shown by their:


  • Ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong, readily apply this understanding in their own lives and, in so doing, respect the civil and criminal law of England
  • Understanding of the consequences of their behaviour and actions
  • Interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about moral and ethical issues, and being able to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others on these issues.


Where is this in Kings Furlong Junior School?


  • Within the school there is a clear behaviour policy and system.  The children are fully aware of the expectations on them and the consequences if they fail to comply.

  • The ethos of the school is based on our Learning Behaviours which promotes a clear moral code.

  • School council the children the opportunity to discuss any issues that are occurring within the school that the children may feel is unfair.

  • Within project work the children explore lifestyles and the responsibilities within history and in other places in the world.  Children are encouraged to respect the views of other cultures but also question, why?  This enables the children to think through the consequences of their actions.

  • RE enables children to explore their own lives in relation to what it can mean to live with a religious orientation on life, as well as other ways of life including those informed by a non-religious perspective.  This means that children in KFJS are open to the plurality of ways in which people live in our local, national and international communities.

  • Fairness of playtime behaviour is discussed and acted upon within class assemblies

  • E-safety is taught weekly so children can make the right decisions when online.