
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together

Further information about Spelling

Ways we teach spelling

Phonetic approach

When children need to spell an unknown word we encourage them to approach it phonetically or use a known rule or pattern.  When sounding out a word children in Year 3 are taught to use ‘Fred Fingers’.  This phonetic approach is used throughout KS2 using the complex sound charts displayed in every classroom and in the Read Write Inc pupil books. 


Extra Support in spelling

We have a fully trained LSA who delivers the NESSY spelling programme to children who are identified by our SENDCO.  


Resources used to support weaker spellers

  • Red words (Key Stage 1 high frequency words) are taught to those who need it
  • Word walls – red and orange words on display alongside exciting words that will extend children’s vocabulary
  • Simple or complex sound charts for individual reference
  • Differentiated word banks in word books
  • Word mats with key words
  • Interventions and close the gap group


Spelling across the curriculum

When writing in class, children have word books to develop and improve their word knowledge and understanding. Children are encouraged to ‘have a go’ at a spelling before having it checked.  The books are also used to develop language and extend children’s vocabulary.  Each classroom has a collection of dictionaries (various types and levels) and thesauri.  Children are taught to use these independently.


Spelling tests

We view spellings tests as a learning activity.  They are carried out weekly in the back of home learning books.  They are marked by the children so they have instant feedback.  The tests are checked by an adult and tracked by the teacher.  The checked tests are sent home so parents can see successes and gaps. 


Progress in spelling

We use the Vernon spelling test twice a year to assess overall progress in spelling.  Pupils’ progress is tracked by class teachers and the spelling leader.   


Home learning

Children take home their spellings to learn every week.  This supports and deepens their learning in class.



National Curriculum Year Group Spelling Words

These have been divided into Year group sets and are specifically taught throughout the year. They are known as ‘orange words’ in school and are also displayed in classrooms. 
