
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together

What Do Parents Think?

At Kings Furlong Junior School, we value the views of parents and those in our community. We constantly seek their thoughts and suggestions, holding open forums, giving out questionnaires, and informally asking parents ‘on the playground’.

Safeguarding survey - parents and carers

Spring Term 2023


Safeguarding and the welfare of your children are paramount to our school. This short survey was designed to help us ensure that we are meeting the needs of families and providing a safe, secure environment for children.



Parent Survey October 2022


Thank you for your valued feedback - the results are really positive. 

Remote learning survey - January 2021

Thank you to everyone who participated in our remote learning survey. Click on the link below to view the results:


Spring 2020 Safeguarding Survey


Please find the results of our Spring Term survey below. Thank you to everyone who completed it.

Parent Survey Autumn 2019

Thank you to everyone who took part in our parent survey following parents' evening. We are really pleased to hear your positive comments. We all do our best here at KFJS to make sure your children are happy!



41 parents made additional comments, the vast majority positive about the school and the progress made by their children (98%). Comments include:


"Both my kids are really happy at school. They never complain, they like their teachers and they know they can trust them with any issue. Every day they have something interesting to tell about what they have learned at school."


"Thanks to all staff for making my child's journey an enjoyable one".


"We are really pleased with the school's approach to learning and the support given. It is a very positive environment".


"Love all the staff here, my children are thriving. So much support!"

Spring 2019 Safeguarding Survey


Please find the results of our Spring Term survey below. Thank you to all of you who completed it.

Autumn 2018 Parent Survey


Thank you to all the parents who completed the survey following our Autumn 2018 Parents' Evening. We really do value what you say.


We're thrilled that 99% of parents are happy with their child's experience at our school!


The full results are available to view in the document below.

Previous survey results
