
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together

Intent, Implementation & Impact


Our intent is to develop all pupils into confident, independent learners who are ready to face the exciting challenges that they will encounter beyond Kings Furlong Junior School.


We build solid foundations for all of our learners by ensuring that they are safe, happy and have positive relationships with the adults they encounter in school.  This is the ‘glue’ that cements our purpose and values together.



Pupils learn best when their learning experiences are purposeful and the context is relevant to them. Each subject within the curriculum is organised so that the National Curriculum is taught across the key stage. Children practise and apply skills in order to deepen their knowledge and understanding as they progress through the school. Frequent assessment supports and measures progress and attainment. Teachers use this information to address gaps in understanding and ensure that pupils are challenged in their learning.  


Our curriculum is organised into core, foundation and RE learning. Core subjects, reading, writing and maths, are taught daily to all children. The majority of foundation subjects are taught in cross-curricular projects in order to maximise opportunities to apply skills and connect learning. Each project begins with a hook to motivate and engage pupils with what they are about to learn.  Computing, PSHE, French, RE and PE are taught discretely and applied across the curriculum where appropriate.  



  • The impact of the curriculum is measured in standards achieved, progress made and personal qualities acquired. The impact of our curriculum is seen in:
  • Learners that are creative, reflective, resilient, respectful, responsible, curious, can take risks and can work well as a team
  • Teaching which is engaging, purposeful and personalised
  • Progress, which build incrementally year-on-year appropriate to the learner
  • Quality experiences which are memorable, worthwhile and challenging


The curriculum is regularly reviewed, developed, monitored and evaluated by the School Leadership Team, Subject Leaders, external advisers and governors. Subject leaders take responsibility for ensuring coverage, progression and standards through long and medium-term planning. They regularly monitor and evaluate outcomes for children and are proactive in setting targets for subject development.


Assessment is both formative and summative and progress and attainment are regularly tracked and shapes provision. 


We measure the impact of curriculum through:

  • Pupil achievement data
  • Lesson observations and Learning walks
  • Behaviour
  • Pupil/parent questionnaires
  • Action plan reviews & evaluations 
  • School Development Plan reviews & evaluations 

