
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together


Intent, Implementation, Impact  

Our children enjoy learning about science.   It fills children with curiosity and excitement as they investigate natural phenomena in the world around them and beyond. The curriculum has a cyclical design so that skills such as predicting, data collecting, analysing and explaining are built upon and secured as children progress through the key stage.   Science is taught through an enquiry-based approach where children are encouraged to raise questions.  Science is taught within projects so there is a purpose or context which enables deeper learning.  This ensures that children develop confidence in working scientifically using increasing technical vocabulary and widening knowledge. They understand the role science and scientists have played in explaining the world around us.   Children are prepared for the next stage of their science education.  Assessment is used to keep track of attainment for all groups of learners and standards in science are monitored to ensure that all learners are accessing the learning and achieving well.  
