At Kings Furlong Junior School, all children receive their intellectual, artistic, and physical entitlement through a high quality curriculum.
Our intention is to develop all children as: aspirational, confident, independent citizens who are passionate about learning so they are able to face the exciting challenges they encounter in life.
Our learning behaviours are the foundation of the provision for all children. They have the opportunity to develop these behaviours: from keeping safe to taking risks in their learning and everything in-between.
Throughout their time at Kings Furlong Junior School, our children understand that:
- Taking responsibility is key to developing independence and confidence
- Having respect helps us to take care and consider others
- Taking risks to try new things can sometimes go wrong but that is part of learning
- Teamwork helps us to deepen understanding and master new skills
- Being curious means we wonder and ask questions because we have enquiring minds
- Making mistakes, having another go and finding things challenging helps to build resilience
- Imagination, expression, inventing and designing are all aspects of creativity that help learning
- Taking the time to reflect upon things is an effective way to learn and move forward.
Kings Furlong Junior School is committed to an inclusive education for all children so they can be successful irrespective of starting points or background. Children are challenged and supported in their learning. Independence is fostered to enable children to progress and be ready for the next steps in their learning.
Relationships are the foundation for success. Including parents/carers, outside professional agencies, organisations and visitors supports positive outcomes for children. Kings Furlong Junior School is proud of its diverse community because of the opportunities that the children experience.

Children learn best when:
- they are encouraged to develop their own ideas and independence by selecting learning materials and tools appropriate to the task.
- they feel happy, safe, secure and where there is trust, respect, praise and high self-esteem. They feel valued as an individual in the ‘family’ ethos of the school.
- they are involved in active and enquiry-based learning through first-hand experience, such as investigating, exploring, experimenting, questioning, collaborating and listening – to expend their higher order thinking processes and promote genuine learning and understanding. they form appropriate relationships and partnerships with their peers and adults.
- there is a solid partnership between home and school. Parents are encouraged to work in partnership with the school.
- their social, physical, moral, spiritual and emotional needs are met. A child’s capacity for learning is linked to their emotional wellbeing.