
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together

Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice is a powerful thing!

Three boys from year six wanted to share their opinion on raising awareness of how children can stand up to racism. They decided to plan an anti-racism assembly. We found a powerful clip ( to demonstrate the impact being racist has on others. The boys set a challenge and asked children to create an anti-racism poster. Many of the children embraced this and we were delighted with the large number of entries we received.


We selected seven finalists who received extra learning points and a head teacher sticker. The winning three designs won the right to be published in the school newsletter and the school website.


School Council

School Council team is made up of 9 children, one child from every class and is led by Mrs Barter.

In the Autumn term, children are invited to apply for a place on school council and are then voted in by the children in their class.


The School Council meet every two weeks.  During these meetings the children share any comments, concerns or questions raised by their class. Each term they have a task or challenge to carryout on behalf of the whole school. 

Autumn Term

Meet the new team!

Some of the things School Council did last year!

The School Council held a Winter art competition. We were overwhelmed by the fantastic response. Our winners were:


The School Council held a spring art competition. The children could use any art medium/style to create an artistic representation of 'Spring time'. 


Junior Road Safety Officers

The Junior Road Safety Officers are a group of four children from Years 5 and 6 who share messages concerning road safety with the rest of the school. Before taking on the role, they must complete virtual training with other JRSOs from around Hampshire.  This support from Hampshire continues throughout the year and gives the JRSOs ideas for various competitions and activities that they can run. e.g. “Be Bright, Be Seen” and “Walk to School Week.”  The children lead assemblies and organise and run competitions based on a Road Safety Theme throughout the year.  Children meet whenever a new campaign begins to discuss how they are going to share these important messages to the rest of the school.

Young Interpreters

Around 30% of the children come to the KFJS with a wealth of experiences from their own home background. Young Interpreters celebrate diversity across the school by providing peer support for EAL children, raising awareness of diversity and promoting an inclusive culture. A range of communication skills are explored during regular training sessions so that Young Interpreters are able to offer guidance and support to help children settle into school routines and build positive friendships.

Young Carers


Young carers are children and young people under the age of 18 carrying out significant tasks and assuming a level of responsibility for another person which would normally be undertaken by an adult. The circumstances they find themselves in mean they are looking after a parent, sibling or relative with a physical/learning disability, mental health condition or long-term illness. 


As a school we support young carers by having a lunchtime club available where they can choose to come along every other week and eat their lunch, relax, spend time with other young carers. Different activities are on offer such as games, art and crafting. It is an ideal opportunity for the children to get support from one another as well as Mrs Gentry.
