
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together


Kings Furlong Junior School – Pupil Premium Plan 2020-21 Review


The key aims of our Pupil Premium Plan are to ensure that:

  • Identified barriers to progress and wellbeing are minimised and their effects lessened.
  • The quality of teaching and learning enables our Pupil Premium children to make at least equal progress with their non-Pupil Premium peers.
  • Additional support and guidance is given to our PP children in order for them to achieve in line with their non-PP peers, including having access to activities in and after school.
  • Our PP parents are communicated with and involved with their children's learning and progress.
  • The leadership of the school articulates a clear vision with expectation on the standard of provision and pupil outcomes for PP children and that this is monitored vigorously and regularly.



  • poor vocabulary acquisition and language skills
  • very low ks1 attainment for cohort 18
  • poor metacognition in children working below ARE
  • greater proportion of SEND in PP group than non-PP group
  • lower levels of engagement in reading than non-PP group
  • lower reading attainment in PP group – more PP children in lowest 20% than non-PP
  • gap in attendance between PP and non-PP groups.
  • increased probability of significant wider family/welfare issues
  • greater proportion of PP group experience mental health and wellbeing issues
  • lower proportion of PP children achieve ARE combined compared to non-PP peers
  • fewer opportunities to engage in wider curriculum or outside interests


Summer term facts and figures (April 2021)


Pupil premium funding: £121,980


 No. PP children% of groupNo. of PP/SEN% of PP group


Spring 2021 lockdown update:

93 PP children

In school: 39%, 42% of PP/SEN group

At home: 42% received a laptop, 49% received support calls (at least 2 per week)






Monitored by/whenImpact and next steps

Poor vocabulary and language acquisition




Quality first teaching of vocabulary

CPD from HIAS English support and English leader for planning and teaching. 



Learning walks, book scrutinies and English leader monitoring

Explicit teaching and use of vocabulary is effective. 

Pupil conferencing

Growing confidence and use of more precise vocabulary.

Data drops



Half termly






SDu termly





Clear evidence through monitoring of books, learning walks and speaking to children that through the teaching of vocabulary, use of language is improving and confidence is growing. However, it is also clear that lockdown has had an impact on speaking and listening skills. This will form a significant part of the English strategy for 2021-22.

Improve outcomes for Cohort 18







Smaller class size to cater for children working significantly below ARE every morning.

Highly experienced class teacher

Tailored curriculum to meet next steps.

Effective parent liaison to support reading, behaviour etc.

Close liaison with SENDCO/DHT/class teacher/LSAs

SENDCo and DHT supporting in class regularly.

Learning walks

Children engaged and on task

Teaching and feedback effective

Book scrutinies

Work is well pitched

Progress is accelerated.

Data drops

HAMs or regular assessments show rapid progress.

SLT/SENDCO at least termly




SLT/SENDOCO at least half termly


Termly support from HIAS SEND to work on planning, take design and assessing for children with significantly low attainment.

SEN planning tool used to plan and assess for bespoke groups within class.

Support from SENDCO to develop independence.

Targeted provision impacted on independence.

Growth in confidence and self-esteem of children in the group through overlearning of strategies and core skills.

Key skills in reading, writing and maths have embedded.

Reduce RWM gap by end key stage



Bespoke teaching groups to meet needs to achieve combined ARE.

Liaison with parents.

Pupil Progress Meetings and Y6 strategy meetings

Children are receiving appropriate support in targeted areas.

Data drop



Half termly








See data table below.

Increase proportion of PP children who achieve ARE combined





Target children for subjects to reach combined ARE.

Teaching, use of adults, groupings, resources etc meet needs of learners in order to achieve next steps in learning.

Liaison with parents.

Pupil progress meetings

Children discussed and actions in place to ensure learning pitched correctly to reach combined.

Year leader actions

YLs implementing and tracking actions within year groups to ensure maximum number of PP children on track for ARE combined.

Data drop

Year leaders termly








SLT half termly 











Children have been judged as reaching 'minimum sufficiency' following lockdown rather than ARE. See data table below and targets for next year.

Improve metacognition for children working below ARE


Employ and embed TED outcomes in maths and English.

Learning walks and book scrutinies

Strategies are employed and effective.


Data drops




Half termly






Impact of using numberless questions to support maths and particularly girls' confidence continues next term. Impact of vocabulary work.

Increase achievement in reading



HIAS support

Priority readers identified and heard regularly.

Phonics teaching delivered through RWInc as appropriate.

Learning pitched correctly in class to support newly independent learners.

Engage parents to support reading at home.

Kathy Gare to help support parents with reading routines.

Home reading monitoring

Regular home reading for PP and non-PP groups is broadly equivalent.

20% readers monitoring

Home reading, priority reading and provision is good across the school.

Data drop

SDu half termly







SLT half-termly








20% reading provision - SLT monitoring

Priority readers identified and reading provision and home reading monitored.

Outcomes given to year teams and actions put in place to support further.

Provision is good.

Home reading monitoring SD

Letters to parents of key children sent spring 2 and home reading has been tracked across spring 2 and summer 1 - some improvements in frequency for 77% of group.

Support for SEND



SENDCO liaison with teachers 

termly about SEND in class.

DHT liaison with SENDCO

Appropriate and effective interventions in place.

    1. LSA support as appropriate.

Parent consultations

Learning walks

Work pitched for SEN is appropriate

Children make progress within lessons

PPMs and YL follow ups

Effective, bespoke strategies in place and monitored.

SENDCO/SLT termly with more frequent pick ups if necessary

As a result of two lockdowns, interventions ran during the summer term based on review of children's needs following lockdown 2. Following lockdown, there was a greater need for emotional support and language. This will continue in the next academic year.

Teachers regularly liaise with the SENDCO in order to match provision to need and discuss next steps within class and strategies to support.

Increase  engagement with reading



School Library Service to improve range and quality of books in library.

School library open after school for families.

Promote book events – author visits, World Book Day, paired reading with KFIS, book fair.

Visit Discovery Centre

Pupil conferencing

Tracked group of children show increasing engagement throughout the year.

Library audit

Children are reading and changing library books regularly.

SDu/gov termly







RW/SDu termly

School library visited by every class every week in normal times.

High engagement in KFJS World Book Day May 28th.

Pupil conferencing outcomes - strong evidence that children are very positive about home reading, the library, class reading, events and reading lessons.

Close gaps in attendance



Attendance leader (LS) liaise with attendance admin officer (LB)

Actions in place as appropriate including Kathy Gare.


Attendance review meeting

Attendance improves each half term, gaps reduce between PP and non-PP in each year group.

SDu/LS half termly

PP 93%, non-PP 97%

7% of the PP children impact significantly on the overall PP attendance. Each base is monitored closely and actions put in place depending on the issues. Kathy Gare is often involved in supporting us with this.

Support for families experiencing wider issues



Liaison with parents

Liaison with outside agencies – Children’s Services, Early Help Hub, Behaviour support, CAMHs, Young Carers, TAFs

Recording on CPOMs

Targeted support from Kathy Gare (cluster family support worker)

Safeguarding and wellbeing review

All actions carried out or chased up, families liaised with and supported, referrals and enquiries raised as appropriate.


SDu/EBo/AW weekly

CPOMS entries Sept - 1 July

PP 1866, non-PP 816 - 70% entries are for PP children.

Child protection 4/4, CIN 9/13, TAF 9/10, CAMHS referrals 7/10

Support for mental health and wellbeing



ELSA and counselling with Mrs Lampard

Draw and Talk with Mrs Sharpe

Uno Club with LSAs

Active Minds activities with learning mentor

Pupils are supported with mental health and attachment issues in order to improve wellbeing and ultimately engage in the curriculum.

SDu/EBo at least termly

Mental health focus during transition in September.

Regular phone calls during lockdown to support mental health of specific children.

19 children were supported through ELSA or Drawing and Talking this year. The inclusion leader also ran a weekly group to support significant issues for a group of Y5 girls (all PP) with an LSA during the summer term.

Access to the school and wider curriculum



Funds for guitar, paid sports clubs, trips and visits and PGL contributions.


All children in receipt of the Pupil Premium have full access to the curriculum and the wider curriculum.

SDu termly

Y5 Greek visitor £100

Y6 trip to GO Ape £120

Support for post LAC children



Additional and bespoke support for post LAC children dependent on need.

Identified needs are met.

SDu termlyBespoke support in place. See SD for further details.


Pupil Premium funding: £121,980


2021 outcomes and 2022 targets

(numbers are %)


 KS1 combined ARECurrent combined (min sufficiency)Target combined for EoY 2022 AREReading (min sufficiency)Writing (min sufficiency)Maths (min sufficiency)


(cohort 20-25 children)



(cohort 19-22 children)



(cohort 18-24 children)



(cohort 17-28 children)

3842 755067

