
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together

Christmas Market Proceedings!!

We hope you are as excited as we are about the Christmas market, which is tomorrow (Thursday) from 1:30pm. The children have been learning about a particular aspect of Christmas, and have been designing and making items to match that theme. And of course, they are selling them at the market!


All proceeds will be given to the Naomi House Children’s Hospice, which seeks to improve the lives of children who are particularly ill.

Your child may want to bring some money tomorrow to purchase items at the market. We are suggesting a maximum amount of £3, although items will cost from 10p upwards. If your child does bring money into school, please ensure it is in a labelled envelope, purse or wallet.

The opening ceremony to the market will start at 1:30pm. This will include a variety of Christmas performances by the pupils. Raffle tickets will be available all afternoon, including before the market opens. From 2pm, parents are invited to go the market, and visit all of the classrooms to see what has been made, and purchase any items they would like. The raffle will take place at approximately 2:50pm in the hall. Remember, there are £50, £25 and £10 Festival Place gift cards up for grabs! Tickets are 50p each. Pupils can then be collected at the usual time to go home.
