Well done to our choir who sang so well at QMC on Sunday afternoon, and helped raise money for a local cancer charity! They should be very proud of themselves!
It’s a busy week, and there’s a summary below. If you are able to help serve refreshments on either Wednesday (for the assembly) or Thursday (for either carol concerts), please do let the office know. Thank you.
Monday – Choir practice after school
Tuesday – Guitar rehearsal this morning. Young Carers to Pantomime.
Wednesday – Christmas Assembly with Gary Bastin – 9:20am- refreshments served, parents welcome!
Thursday – Carol Concert Rehearsal 9:15am. Parents welcome. 6pm Carol Concert for parents and families of participating children only. No homework club.
Friday – Christmas Market – Grand opening at 9.30am (refreshments from 9am). Parents invited! Market finishes around 11am. School finishes at 3.15pm as normal- children must be picked up after school.