
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together

KFJS This Week

Our theme this week is ‘Tolerance’; this is something that our pupils do well at KFJS. There is tolerance of different beliefs, different ethnicities, different interests, and different languages. It is something to be celebrated!

If you missed our newsletter on Friday, you can read it here.

Monday – Christmas singing practice with Mrs Chapman; Disco at 4:15-5:45pm- all children must be picked up!

Tuesday – Class Council Meetings

Wednesday – Choir sing at Festival Place; Year 6 to Willis Museum (free trip); Assembly with Mr Applegate; Year 4 Clarinet performance to parents 4D at 2.15pm 4BD at 2.45pm

Friday – Be bright, be seen day – non uniform but luminous (no cost); School Christmas dinner (bring money on the day).
