
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together

KFJS This Week

Welcome back! We trust you have had a good half term break. As mentioned in our newsletter, we are having our British Values launch week this week.

Monday – Mutual Respect; Tuesday – Tolerance of different beliefs; Wednesday– Individual Liberty; Thursday – Democracy; Friday – Rule of Law

Find out more about how we promote British Values here.

We wish our Year 6 pupils the very best as they conquer their fears and build their confidence on their residential this week!

Our new CPSO, Raymond Fraser, is speaking to our pupils on Thursday about keeping safe with fireworks, and what the law says about them.

We also have an open evening on Thursday evening for New Year 2 parents at 7pm. The same presentation will be run on Friday morning at 9:05am.

Reminders of upcoming events:

  • Parents are warmly invited to join us at our Remembrance assembly on Wednesday 11th November at 1:10pm for 20
  • Diploma Day – Monday 9th November
  • The school photographer will be in school on Wednesday 18th November.