Monday – Miss Dunn leads our assembly
Tuesday – Class assembly
Thursday – Singing assembly
Friday – Parent information session with Mr Applegate, 9:05am; Celebration assembly
We had a great start to school last week, and it was wonderful to have so many parents commenting on how their child was looking forward to coming back – as were the parents!
This week we are thinking about responsibility. Our pupils have many opportunities to demonstrate this through being leaders of different groups, as well as through their learning and plan, but what does it mean to be responsible in different situations?
Please do come to our ‘Parent Information Session with Mr Applegate’ on Friday morning. Refreshments provided! A great chance to ask any questions, and find out a bit more about our school.
Don’t forget our new ‘Question of the fortnight’! Discuss with your family what you think. The current question is “Should you be allowed to drive a car at the age of 10 years old?” The answer isn’t so important; it’s the thinking and reasoning behind it
Monday – Miss Dunn leads our assembly
Tuesday – Class assembly
Thursday – Singing assembly
Friday – Parent information session with Mr Applegate, 9:05am; Celebration assembly