
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together

KFJS This Week

We hope you have had a restful half term.


As we enter our final half term of the year, we'll be focussing on a learning behaviour each week. Our theme this week is 'Responsibility'- particularly thinking about being responsible for our actions- both good and bad!


On Monday, Mr Applegate leads our assembly. Our Anvil choir are practising at St Mark's Primary School for the day.

On Tuesday morning, our Year 5 pupils take part in taster sessions at Cranbourne. Our Year 3 and 4 pupils are take part in activities with children from St John's Primary school, on the theme of friendship.

On Thursday, our Y3 pupils continue to support Y2 pupils by having story time and break time at the infant school.

We finish the week on Friday by practising for Sports Day in the morning, followed by our celebration assembly after lunch.
