
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together

KFJS This Week

The penultimate week before the Easter holidays promises to be a busy one!


Monday – Assembly learning about democracy.
Tuesday – Year 4 football team play Fairfields- good luck everyone!
Wednesday – Non Uniform Day- take part by bringing an Easter Egg for the Variety club, who will give them to children in need. Also, some of our school councillors are going to visit Bluebells, the residential home of Sebastians Action Trust. Mrs Strachan also speaks to us about working in the theatre!
Thursday – Second Hand Uniform Sale at Infants – 3pm-3:45pm.
Friday – Celebration assembly. Draw takes place for a £50 Easter Meat Raffle- 3pm at the Infants.


Don't forget to book your place for the Easter Egg Hunt from Monday 23 March (tickets available from Infants).
