
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together

KFJS this week

This week we welcome Yvonne Elliot from the British Gliding Association for our 'aspirations' assembly!


This Wednesday evening, we are running a SATs information evening for parents. It is most relevant to Year 6 parents, but any parents are welcome to attend. 7pm for approximately 30 minutes.


Thank you to everyone who attended parents' evenings last week. It was also great to get your feedback. We'll be publishing the results of the surveys soon.

Monday – Aspirations assembly; Year 6 Maths workshop after school.

Tuesday – Singing assembly; Year 6 Reading workshop after school.

Wednesday – Year 5 and 6 Football tournament in Southampton – Good luck! Year 6 SATs information evening for parents – 7pm

Friday – Celebration Assembly
