This week, our theme is a value from the Paralympics; it’s ‘equality’. We take this to mean giving opportunties to everyone, ensuring a disadvantage isn’t a disadvantage, and valuing differences.
We look forward to welcoming Gary Bastin on Thursday- for the last time this academic year!
Don’t forget the ‘meet the teachers’ event on Monday at 3:30-5pm. Drop in a say hello to your child’s current teacher, and their teacher in September.
The disco is on Wednesday from 4:15pm to 5:45pm. Children must be picked up at 5:45pm- they are not allowed to walk home alone unless previous permission has been given.
The Year 6 show is Thursday evening; it’s a ticketed event! Year 6 enjoy a well-earned party on Friday evening too, alongside their graduation ball on Monday evening.
Have a great week!