What a great first week we had! Our pupils settled back into routine well. The week ahead is full of excitement and learning as school starts in earnest. We’ll be thinking about one of our school values, community.Monday: Assembly by Mr Applegate after lunch, on how pupils are part of so many communities.
Wednesday: Chris Hall, from Parability, will be sharing on life in a wheelchair, and all about the organisation he set up in Basingstoke.
Thursday: Merit assembly, moved forward a day. We celebrate stars of the week, and find out which colour teams have got the most points!
Friday: Please come to the parents open afternoon, 1:30pm for tea/coffee,
1:45pm meeting with Mr Applegate to learn about our school, then 2:15pm into class with your child, to
take part in an activity with them, and learn a bit about more about the
year group.