
Kings Furlong Junior School

Growing and learning together

Year 6 Award Presentation

Well done to our Year 6 pupils who received an award this morning in our final assembly of the year. They were given to pupils who have worked in a way that is over and beyond what is expected- and that is a great deal anyway! It was a hard to make the decisions, and we are proud of all of our Year 6 pupils.


SATS Shields  
English Ronnie & Jenny
Maths Reece & Lungma
Most Improved Kian & Wassila
PE Poi & Leon R
Behaviour Gracie & Charlie
Science Chloe & Harley C
Humanities Grace S & James
Music Chosen & Leon G
ICT Sammi & Louis
RE Emily & Jack K
French Grace C & Adam
Art & D&T Maddie & Ujwal

