General Comments
- My child is lucky to get an opportunity to go to such a wonderful school. Thank you KFJS for your support.
- We are pleased with all the school offers.
- We appreciate the efforts taken by the school for the general knowledge quiz. We enjoy doing it as a family.
- We are really impressed with the communication from the school. Thank you.
- My child has settled in really well and thoroughly enjoying her time at school.
- I can see that my child’s work is really improving.
- Thank you for providing a warm and welcoming school.
- The support from the Year 3 nurture group is really supporting my child.
- Keep doing what you’re doing!
- An excellent report from Parents’ Evening – thank you!
- My child loves Young Carers club- it really helps her feel valued.
- My child is really making progress, and the staff meet her needs well. Thank you.
- I like that my child really enjoys being at school and that he gets extra help.
- My daughter has been encouraged and supported to achieve. The teaching and leadership are strong.
- The difficulties my child was having have been addressed quickly and effectively.
- I like the fact that spellings are now in the homework books so I can see the results.
- My child continues to love being at KFJS.
- The transition from Y2 to Y3 was really good.
One thing I would like to see….
- More challenging homework to be given, or just more homework.
- Children to understand more what their spellings mean
- The quiz is quite a lot of extra work for Year 3 pupils, and quite tricky too. Could this be adjusted to lessen their work load?
- Could you offer wrap-around clubs for working parents?
- Children to learn first aid [this happens briefly in Year 6].
- Cycling proficiency courses [this is done in Year 5].
- The lunch menu should include a cold option.
- Encouragement to have healthy packed lunches.
- Longer parents’ evening appointments.
- More music opportunities, e.g. learn violin.
- More class activities in the afternoon that parents can attend.
- Not having to reapply for sports clubs.
- A wider range of books available for different readers.
What are we already doing?
Let us know what you think – give us a call or send us an email!
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